03 April 2024Join us on the road to Hampden for the Scottish Gas Scottish Cup Semi-Final on Sunday, April 21st.
The Hospitality team have secured a small number of additional coaches to offer a match ticket and transportation package to supporters.
Guarantee your ticket now and join fellow Jambos.
Please note: Our Semi-Final Hospitality Package is now SOLD OUT
Package includes: Your match ticket (East Stand) and coach transport to and from Hampden.
Adult £65 | Concession (O65/U16) £50.
Coaches depart Tynecastle Park for Hampden at 12:30pm, returning after the final whistle.
Sales commence from 11am, Wednesday 3 April. To book, call 0131 200 7244 or 07736917859. (No loyalty points required, but a booking history is essential).