Upcoming Events - The Maroon Mile


Hearts Women's Football Team, c.1990s, HMFC Museum Collections.


The Maroon Mile project, which is generously funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, will involve a wide range of exciting events and activities. The mile-long heritage trail will be the main component of the project, but we will also be undertaking an array of outreach and engagement activities which will help to shape and design the trail.  All upcoming events and activities will be posted below. If you would like to find out how to get involved, including volunteer opportunities please click here.

Associated events and workshops will include:


10th August 2024 - Community clean-up North Merchiston Cemetery, click here to find out more and register.

8th March 2025 - Wikithon with Wikimedia UK focusing on Scottish Women’s football

TBC - Traditional Skills Festival for secondary school pupils


In April 2024, we held our first workshop to start to create a digital timeline as part of the Maroon Mile Project. The workshop was created in collaboration with the Stellar Omada, HMFC’s Heritage Department and HMFC’s Innovation Centre. You can watch a short video about it below.