Registration open for three Innovation Centre Clubs

01 May 2023

Hearts' Innovation Centre is delighted to announce the details of three clubs starting late January, details for each club can be found below. The Innovation Centre offers a range of clubs and workshops that are FREE for all young people to attend, with all equipment provided, easy-to-follow instructions and no previous experience required.


Inventing for Good - Girls Edition

Ages: Girls & Non-Binary Students in S1-S3
Day & Time: Every Tuesday at 16:30-18:00 from 24th January to 21st March
Go through all the stages of creating a prototype of an invention – research, planning, and building – with technology experts inspiring and helping you along the way.

Click here for more information and to register your youngster

Digital Athletes

Ages: Girls, Boys and Non-Binary students in S1-S3
Day & Time: Every Friday at 15:15-16:30 from 20th January till the 31st March 2023
Fast-track your tech skills! Is there an area of technology you would love to explore, but haven’t yet been given the opportunity to?  Whether it is coding related, or not, at Digital Athletes you will have the space and support to plan, design and build your own projects and creations.  

Click here for more information and to register.

Digital Champions

Ages: Girls, Boys and Non-Binary students in S4-S6
Day & Time: Every Friday at 15:15-16:30 from 20th January to 31st March 2023
Are you unsure about what you want to do after high school, or with your future career?  Whether it is related to your current subjects and interests, or not, at Digital Champions you will have the space and support to start and develop tech projects.  

Click here for more information and to register.